Reading & Eating

Posted on Fri 05 January 2018 in Blog • Tagged with food, reading&eating


  1. I formed a Reinforcement Learning study group at work, so I've been watching and reading materials curated by Denny Britz. For a short intro to RL, read: a) Karpathy's "Pong From Pixels" b) A bit more in-depth: "Demystifying Deep RL"
  2. Tom Holland's Rubicon, a fantastic book ...
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Reading & Eating

Posted on Mon 02 January 2017 in Blog • Tagged with food, reading&eating


  1. Andrej Karpathy reminds you that "Yes you should understand backprop". For an intuitive and in-depth intro to backpropogation I recommend his convolutional neural network lectures.
  2. Bill Bryson - The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way , an entertaining if sometimes undirected tour through the history of the English ...
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Reading & Eating

Posted on Sun 03 July 2016 in Blog • Tagged with food, reading&eating

I'm trying out a new idea for blog posts - an occasional (monthly?) series on what I'm reading and what I'm eating.


  1. If the first 11 socks I pull out of the dryer all are distinct, how many total socks are in the dryer? Rasmus Baath explains ...
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